Request for Sealed Bids | Legal Announcements |

2022-07-30 00:48:27 By : Mr. Liu Gary

Wythe County Board of Supervisors Request for Sealed Bids Lots Gap Water System Improvements Project Waterline Extension Pipe and Materials The Wythe County Board of Supervisors is seeking sealed bids for: 5,600 LF 24" Duct. Iron CL-350 P.JT. Water Pipe, 80 LF 12" Duct. Iron CL-350 P.JT. Water Pipe, 2 EA 24" Butterfly MJ Valves, 1 EA 20" Butterfly MJ Valves, 1 EA 12" Butterfly MJ Valves , 2 EA 24" Butterfly Flange Valves, 1 EA 20" MJ Tee Fitting, 1 EA 24"x20" Reducer Fitting, 1 EA 24" MJ Tee Fitting, 1 EA 24"x12" MJ Tee Fitting, 1 EA 24" Flange Tee Fitting, 1 EA 12" MJ Tee Fitting, 1 EA 24" MJ Cap Fitting, 1EA 24" Flange Cap Fitting, 2 EA 24" 90º MJ Fitting, 1 EA 12" 90º MJ Fitting, 11 EA 24" 45º MJ Fitting, 8 EA 24" 22.5º MJ Fitting, 8 EA 24" 11.25º MJ Fitting, 75 LF 42" Road Steel Casing, 15 Casing Spacers, 4 Casing End Seals, 1 20" Dresser Coupling, and (5) 1" Air Release Valves, 2 Additive Alternate Bid Requests (2 24" MJ Gate Valves, 2 24" Flanged Gate Valves) Copies of the complete specifications, bid documents and additional information are available by contacting Thrasher Engineering at (304) 431-7800 or email Zac Wright at Bids must be submitted on the prescribed forms. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Supervisors until 2:00 p.m. local prevailing time on August 9, 2022. All bids, properly submitted, will then be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids are to be delivered to the Wythe County Administrator, Wythe County Administration, 340 South 6th Street, Wytheville, VA 24382. The sealed envelope containing the bid must be clearly marked "Materials" on the outside of the envelope. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of twenty (20) days following the opening. The Wythe County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any informalities. Wythe County encourages MBE/WBE type firms to submit proposals. By the Order of the Wythe County Board of Supervisors Stephen D. Bear, County Administrator

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